Le Havre - Honfleur by bike

From hell to heaven, that's the name of this bike tour between Le Havre and Honfleur.

The bike ride between Honfleur and Le Havre is magnificent, as you pass through the immense port facilities of Le Havre to reach the charming town of Honfleur, one of Normandy's tourist hotspots. One good thing: you're never on the road, you're always on a cycle path. Unfortunately, this idyllic picture is overshadowed when you cross the Pont de Normandie by bike. It's a disaster! The cycle path is only separated from the freeway by a white line on the ground. Emotions guaranteed when you're overtaken by trucks. Recommended only for seasoned cyclists who can make the climb very quickly without risking their lives too much.

Interest: ratinggood (2 users)
Difficulty: difficulty
Duration: 3 h.
Departure point (Google Maps)

The comments

Inconnu04/08/2024 13:40:48 rating disappointing

Quelle horreur le passage du pont de Normandie à vélo. Les poids lourds passent à 80 km/h à 1 m de vous.

Leaving Le Havre

Leaving Le Havre
Le Havre starts right in the middle of the port, so it's best to do this trip at the weekend, because even if you're on a cycle path beside the road, it's not really pleasant to pass lorries. As is often the case with cycle paths, you need to concentrate to avoid ending up on the road.

The port of Le Havre

The port of Le Havre
The port of Le Havre is well worth a visit, with its huge ships waiting to be unloaded. The port facilities are gigantic.

Passage through the natural zone

Passage through the natural zone
We leave the port area to pass through the Seine Estuary nature reserve. The cycle path runs alongside this area. There are no difficulties, as the path is straight without any gradients.

The cycle path between Le Havre and the Pont de Normandie

The cycle path between Le Havre and the Pont de Normandie

The Normandy Bridge

The Normandy Bridge
After leaving Le Havre 40 minutes ago, the majestic Pont de Normandie looms on the horizon.

The Normandy bridge toll

The Normandy bridge toll
Cycling is of course free of charge (saving €5.80!), and there's no real difficulty in getting through the toll by bike, which is well designed.

The cycle path on the Pont de Normandie

The cycle path on the Pont de Normandie
There's a lane separated from the road by a low wall, but it's reserved for pedestrians. Cyclists must use the same road as cars, separated by a simple white line. According to the authorities, the life expectancy on the hard shoulder is 20 minutes, so we're probably in the same ballpark here. What's more, the climb is pretty rough, straight up and down, and the wind is often very strong.

Heading for Honfleur

Heading for Honfleur
You only have a few kilometres to go before you reach Honfleur. There are no more difficulties. Be careful at the junctions, though, as you can quickly make a mistake and end up back on the road.

The Pont de Normandie seen from afar

The Pont de Normandie seen from afar
After the Pont de Normandie, there is a beautiful cycle path that has just been opened.

Arrival in Honfleur

Arrival in Honfleur
You arrive opposite the port.

The port of Honfleur

The port of Honfleur
Honfleur is one of the most beautiful towns in Normandy.

Port restaurants

Port restaurants
You can relax and have a drink in one of the many restaurants around the port. Unfortunately, the party's a bit spoiled because in the back of your mind you're thinking: "I'm going to have to cross that horrible Pont de Normandie again"

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